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I am cultural analyst and postdoctoral researcher at the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent of the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Previously I conducted my doctoral research at the Institute of History of the University of Bern as a member of the Global Studies Program. I obtained both my master and bachelor degrees in Barcelona, where I already focused on history, philosophy, and aesthetics. I have been awarded with scholarships from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst for pursuing research at the Iberoamerikanisches Institut in Berlin, and from the Dr. Joséphine de Karman Foundation. I am currently enrolled in the Master Cultural Critique, Curatorial Studies at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, following my interest in re-readings of history through art practices and the format of the essay-exhibition. My research foci follow my interest in historiographic practices, especially objects crossed by transculturation processes, deterioration, memory and affect.


Besides my scientific research, I have been involved in several cultural projects. Between 2007 and 2014 I was a student at the Conservatorio Municipal de Música de Barcelona majoring in saxophone with Víctor Béjar and Miquell Bofill. I attended masterclasses by Rodrigo Pérez Vila, Rupert Stelzer, Barbara Schickbichler, Michael Krenn, and Sascha Ambruster, among others. In addition, I participated in the Academy of Contemporary Music at the HSLU and performed as guest saxophonist at festivals such as Wege der Wahrnehmung and New Music Days. As a result of my interest in interdisciplinary art, I developed various projects as artist in residence or guest at performance series, as well as curator of concert staging. Since 2020 I have been closely collaborating with SoundTrieb, a collective I support as cultural manager. I am also co-founder of the network Ko-Operator!, an interdisciplinary artistic platform active since 2019.




Roundtable Algo deja quien se va. Políticas estatales de la memoria

In the context of the exhibition from Reynier Leyva Novo curated by Inés Plasencia Camps
Together with the artist, the curator, and Rubén de la Nuez

March 6, 2025 / 12h

El Apartamento (Main Room) 

Calle de la Puebla 4, 28004, Madrid

Annual Study Days IRN HISTEMAL
Memoria(s), emociones y mediaciones en el espacio público iberoamericano
Casa de Velázquez, CSIC

Organizer together with Frédérique Langue (HISTEMAL, IHTP, CNRS), Miriam Hernández Reyna (EHEHI, Casa de Velázquez), Fernanda Celis González (EHEHI, Casa de Velázquez), Javier Moscoso Sarabia, (CCHS, CSIC)

June 4-5, 2025


Book Projects

latest publications

"Ruinas del presente", Trópico Absoluto, Dec. 2024.
"Weighing history: material rhetoric and commemoration in Cuba," Sculpture Journal, vol. 33, 2, 2024.
​"Becerros de oro: Pensar la desmonumentalización en América Latina," Revista de filosofía Diánoia, vol. 69, n. 93, 2024.
"Héroes de culto: Usos y abusos de la memoria colectiva en Cuba y Venezuela" in Itinerarios y desafíos de la historia del tiempo presente. Un diálogo transatlántico, Frédérique Langue (Ed.), Rosario: Prohistoria, 2024.
"The Act of Looking at, the Art of Staring at," Sousveillance: Staring at the Bin, Meriel Price. Lucerne: Verein SoundTrieb, 2023.
"The Resistance of Peroles: Artistic Strategies Drenched in Oil," NO Rhetoric(s): Versions and Subversions of Resistance in Contemporary Global Art. Sara Alonso Gómez, Isabel J. Piniella Grillet, Nadia Radwan, and Elena Rosauro (Eds.), Zürich: Diaphanes, 2023.

art projects

Meriel Price, SoundTrieb, Urban Mäder, Nicolas Nova, Tapir Film, Isabel Piniella (curator)
Museum Tinguely, Basel
February 22nd - March 26th 2023
Soundinstallation and performance on audio surveillance

Juan José Faccio, Jessica Maria Nassif and Isabel Piniella
Residency FKK-Wohnung, Neubad, Lucerne
February 14th-20th, 2022
SPAM (An)Archive
Artist Talk + Live Performance
Óscar Escudero, SoundTrieb, Isabel Piniella (moderator)
GLITCHERS, CSMA Saragossa, May 11th 2022
New Music Days, HSLU Lucerne, June 27th 2021
past projects
Art Projects

cultural management



Cultural Management

piniella [dot] isabel [at] gmail [dot] com

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